Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reiki and Manifestation!

Treating Infertility-An Insight Overlooked!
The day was very beautiful with winters setting in. The serene environment of green valley turned its table from dropping its golden leaves to welcoming pure white onset of Pious Winters. The peace and quiet of my serenity was disturbed by a distress call of a sulking parent.
The parents were worried about their daughters well being.
They consulted me to explore through my spiritual reading that whether she can bear a child or not?
I read tarot cards to explored the possibility. The result indicated that she could bear a male child and that too, only one child. I conveyed the same to the parents.
They asked me to give Reiki healing to both daughter and son-in-law. I agreed for the same.
First day I started Reiki at the stipulated time. Stage was set. Daughter, Mrs. White was lying on a bed. The moment I started sending Reiki, I started feeling uncomfortable. I felt uneasiness and a vision came that Mrs. White is holding Mr. White’s hands. She was very afraid and was shivering with fear. I stopped Reiki immediately and told her to have faith in Reiki and me. Then only I will continue with the session. The image was true reproduction of what was going on at her house. The city was many miles away from my beautiful valley.
Next day, I started the healing session. I saw a vision that something in blood and fetal remains are coming out. It was so realistic that I felt that all this is a process of removal of negative blockages. The Reiki session continued for few days. I also felt that Mr. White should also take the healing session for he was also experiencing the Reiki energy. One day Mrs. White’s mother-in-law also experienced the energy and she got so scared that she went out of the room.
The session was over after few days. Result was not positive. She could not conceive due to less sperm count and that this was beyond human control. I gave healing but was kept in dark about certain things by the parents of Mr. and Mrs. White.
Here, I would conclude that this was Karmic influence of past life, which has affected them.
After few years, one of my aunts was discussing about spiritual effects and remote viewing by one of her friend.
He told her that Mrs. White conceived but they aborted the baby because they did not want the child in the early stages of their married life. The parents of Mrs. White confirmed the event. This was one great blunder they made for only one child was destined to them. They rejected the Blessing due to their sheer ignorance and lost their single opportunity of being a parent.
I believe that Reiki answered my question through my aunt.

Reiki indicated that I could heal and guide but can never go against destiny and nature! It cannot bring back the dead.

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