Monday, September 1, 2008

Distant Attunement

Distant Attunement

Name: P B

Location: Dehradun

Purpose: Attunement for 1st degree Reiki

Date: 31stAugust2008


Method: As per the guidance. Connection via tuning fork.

Successful attunement. Feeling of shivering in both arms and legs. Flow was proper and increased after meditation. Headache vanished after attunement. Feeling of lightness was observed. I felt pain on my crown chakra. Image of God Shiva was visible during the process for she was concentrating on her God of Faith.
Treating Slip Disc.

Name of the disease: Recurring Slip disc

Effected parts: 5 & 6th number of the spinal cord.

Symptom: pain in back and hits hip area and legs.

Medication: on strong painkillers and related drugs to strengthen the effected areas.

Treatment: Started passing Reiki on after 4th day of the attack. Patient was on total bed rest and could not move due to pain. She could not stand even for a minute. The Reiki treatment on 4th day improved her condition on 5th morning when she could sit for 10minutes and stand for 5 minutes. Gradual improvement within 10 days and patient can do her own work moving about for more than 15 minutes. Stopped passing Reiki on 10th day. After 20days patient can walk comfortably and avoided painkillers.

Effects: Amazingly, Reiki affected her father during the Reiki session. He used to be in another room. The moment Reiki session used to start, he used to go off to deep sleep and would not get up during the night.

Name: P D
Location: Chennai
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