Monday, December 21, 2009

Higher Guidance Manifested The Healthy Recovery

Higher Guidance Manifested The Healthy Recovery
“Undiagnosed Lung Infection”

An old lawyer was hit by a bout of breathlessness, formation of fluid in the lungs, recurring cough and weakness in the body due to fever.
The relatives of the lawyer referred the case to me. His son and daughter-in-law contacted me. They requested me to pass healing to the old lawyer.
I agreed to their plea and made them aware that I can only send healing, rest is up to Reiki to manifest the outcome.
I started Reiki Healing. In the first session I saw him in a gloomy room with a Basil leaf in his mouth. This divine visual shocked me. I kept this visual to myself, knowing the symbolic indication of the image.
I disclosed the appearance of the room to the family and told them to serve their father very well. They took the image of the room very positively and changed the color of the curtains from dull gray to bright orange shade. The effect of the color on the morale of the patient was very good. He felt real good and appreciated the move by his son.
Over the period of treatment, lawyer felt relaxed. In 10 days his coughing was under control. He did not suffer the symptomatic effects of the draining of the fluid from the lungs. The coughing and breathlessness was reduced. Fever was under control. He slept soundly during the treatment and during the night. Lawyer was admitted to the hospital for bronchoscope tests (test for finding any malignancy in the lungs). During the test he felt at ease and suffered less due to invasive nature of the test. The fluid formation was there but it formed after 6 days instead of three days. Doctors told him that since the liquid formed in his lungs is not troubling, they would not drain out the fluid. Instead they will try to dry it off through medicines.
During his stay in the hospital, he started improving and the medicine started affecting him. The results were positive for lung infection. The medicine was prescribed for the infection was correct and patient was already on the road to recovery. Then, I was very happy celebrating his positive good report of Bronchoscope; he was in great pain due to adverse reaction of a new medicine administered to him. He was down with nausea and stomachache. I immediately passed Reiki. He was fine and went off to sleep. He was now on road to recovery but gain will be slow n’ steady due to his age factor.
The visualization results were turned upside down due to selfless and sincere efforts made by the whole family to extend his life span by few more years.

Selfless and sincere efforts always give positive and lasting results!

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