Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Reiki and Reiki

Bio-Energy Institute for Global Human Transformation
Lightarian Reiki Master

Welcome to Journey of Holistic Health for WomenIntegrating Body, Mind and Spiritfor Health Balance LifeA unique approach to wellness & vitality

“There is a Light in this world . . .a healing spirit much stronger
than any darkness we may encounter.
We sometimes lose sight of this force . . . where there is suffering, too much pain.Then suddenly the spirit will emerge . . . through the lives of ordinary peopleand answer in extraordinary ways.” ~ Mother Ter

Reiki-An introduction
Reiki is a Japanese healing art for mind , body and spirit . The word Reiki means "Universal life-force energy". Human beings are essentially energy (we are literally star children as we are made from the matter from stars) and we are ONE with the energy all around us. Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese name consisting of 2 words Rei and Ki meaning spiritually guided life energy (commonly known as Universal Life Energy), an energy which animates us all and is found all around us. Reiki is a holistic healing artstress reduction, relaxation and spiritual growth. It is a method of amplifying our inner healing light, which is known as “ki”. Healthy “ki” nourishes our physical body, and helps to balance our mental and emotional energy. Many people also find that Reiki is a form of Divine healing love which helps them deepen their awareness of their innate spirituality.Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using "universal life energy" channelled through the practitioner to the recipient. Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help.Reiki has spread throughout the world as a respected form of healing used by many millions of people, and many hospitals and clinics

Reiki is a natural form of energy healing, using varying frequencies of energy to heal at all levels. Energy is channeled by the practitioner and directed through the hands to wherever it is needed.
In pre-patriarchal India, Lord Shiva brought it to this planet and encoded in human genes .
· Gautam the Buddha discovered it and
· Jesus the Christ was trained on it in Tibet
· In late 1800 Dr Mikao Usui rediscovered form ancient sanskrit Tibetan Sutras
Developed by Dr Usui after his enlightenment on Mount Kurama, Reiki is a healing art that was discovered by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s, we do not have an exact date but we do know that Mikao Usui embarked upon a retreat of fasting and praying upon Mount Kurama in Japan. On the 21st day he was given Reiki by God or The Universe (whichever terminology you prefer). In his own handwritten documents, Usui Sensei has said “The Usui Reiki Therapy is something no one before has discovered and bears no comparison with any other treatment in the world.

· Dr Chijiro Hayashi became master in 1925 and initiated 13 Masters .
· Ms Hawayo Takata received for Mastership from Dr Hayashi in 1938 .
· She trained 22 Reiki Masters in USA/ Canada .
· Paula Horan and William Rand did lot of work in India on Reiki and trained Masters.

The Reiki Principles/Ideals taught by Dr Usui
These principles were introduced by Usui Sensei and taught to his students as their first spiritual teachings and were to be followed and be a guide in his/her life. By practicing these principles one would embark on the path of self healing.
Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, do not anger.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to everything.
Dr. Mikao Usui
These teachings are open for anyone to learn regardless of religious beliefs, actually no belief is needed. Personally I do not consider them mandatory with the use of Reiki. These principles are worth a thought and certainly thay can be a guide in life.
All Reiki energies come from the same Source; it is how we connect to the energy that makes it unique. If you feel drawn to this method, it is most likely because it resonates well with your Spirit. This is reason enough to learn these techniques, which are brought to us from the Highest Source.
1. Reiki connects you to universal energy so you can heal yourself whenever you feel the need. You can balance your body, mind and spirit .
2. By learning Reiki you are re-connected to your higher self, which means you will become far more intuitive, enabling you to make better decisions and to feel far more ‘whole’.
3. Stress contributes to many illnesses in modern society. Reiki fills you with a sense of inner peace and serenity that will ensure that stress won’t rule your life.
4. Through continual self-healing at a physical level you can not only help to prevent illnesses occurring but you can use Reiki on actual physical injuries and problems from mild back pain to cancer. Reiki can help with any illness.
5. Reiki re-connects you with your true purpose in life and leave you feeling far more focused about where you need to be heading and directing all your precious resources. Reiki opens your mind up to the things that you really need, perhaps not want but need.
6. If you take a Reiki course to practitioner level you are able to heal others as well as yourself. There is nothing quite like healing other people to make you appreciate your own situation and bring comfort to your life.
7. Reiki has the potential to turn your whole life around for the better if you self heal every day and listen to your intuition. Your whole life becomes clearer . Everything is put into perspective and you learn to appreciate many things and really learn who are your friends and who are just using you.
8. Emotional traumas in your life has negative effect on you, possibly your whole life. Our traumas hold us back in stalling self-development. By using Reiki on yourself you can remove the negative energy attached to these traumas so you will no longer feel any pain associated with the event.
9. Reiki can change the way you deal with life, the way you deal with situations and relationships in a way that is much healthier for you. It might not happen in a conscious way but you will find that for instance someone who takes advantage of you normally will get a shock when you defend yourself and demand greater respect. You learn to love yourself more and also to love others but in a way that allows them to learn their lessons and never take you for granted.
10. The founder of Reiki Mikao Usui said that Reiki was the ‘art of inviting happiness’. This is very true. If you ask anyone if they are honestly really happy I doubt you will get a resounding yes from the majority. People often misconceive what real happiness is and associate it with wealth, material possessions or a successful career. Happiness is about so much more than that. Happiness comes from a profound understanding of the universe and knowing your place in the universe. If you choose to learn Reiki you will be set on the path to enlightenment. For some this is a short path, for others a much longer one but once you know you are on it you find what happiness is. Reiki is not just another complementary therapy it is the way of the universe
Health is in the Palms of Your Hands
The control of your physical, emotional, & spiritual health,We are all born with the ability to be healers. It is through time that our connection to this gift gets weaker. REIKI is a gentle way to bring healing subtle energy to wherever the body requires this support and complements other therapies. It is said to work at the "blueprint" level of the body and its effects may not be immediately apparent. It often serves to bolster your essential energy to provide a greater buffer against stress. Truly excellent for those who are too ill or fragile to receive standard massage and bodywork. Bio-Reaction
Reiki works by directing naturally occurring electro-magnetic energy at the frequency needed to destroy the cancerous cells and strengthen the vital organs to support the healing process.
All beings are given a spark of Ki at birth, which is stored in them for life
This Ki energy has its own force field, known as Aura, which has colours.
Along spine there are seven energy transformers in form of vortices known as Chakra
Flow of Reiki removes blocks and balances Chakras and increases Ki
Chakras impact Endocrine glands and which results in healing
· Relief of chronic conditions (such as migraine/headache, lupus, CFS, etc.) to be free of pain;
· Reducing anxiety, stress, confusion, and feeling overwhelmed to feel grounded, calm and focused;
· Improving sleep and increasing overall energy and vitality,
· Balancing digestive disturbances (such as gas, bloating, constipation, etc.);
· Working to rebalance patterns of disharmony related to women's issues (PMS, cramping, menopause);
· Achieving your ideal weight in accordance with your true nature;
· Harmonizing the emotions with Five Elements acupressure and balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha (Ayurveda);
· Strengthening and balancing the organ systems and the immune system
There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive a Reiki treatment or a Reiki attunement. As in any healing the first step towards a healthier life is a desire to be healed.
Reiki empowerment for animals
Reiki can be used for all types of illnesses and injuries in animals, especially soothing and comforting to animals that are nervous or in pain. Also animals too afraid to be touched, unable to be moved, or aggressive, skittish and/or wild ones, can be treated as effectively from a distance, "distant healing".They respond to reiki treatment in much positive way and recover quickly from the illnessess or trauma.They absorb the Divine energy wholistically resulting in faster recovery
Reiki has principles or symbols that automatically set the intent as positive, and does not rely on the belief of the healee to work.
How Can Reiki Help Pets?
Since Reiki works on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels, it is able to support the healing of a multitude of issues by promoting the following:

Pain reduction and relief of other physical symptoms
Accelerates healing of illnesses and injuries
Eases the side effects of chemotherapy and other treatments
Enhances deep relaxation and stress relief
Aids abused and neglected animals in moving beyond those issues
Eases abandonment issues for animals left at shelters or rescues
Calms aggressive animals and those suffering from other behavioral issues
Assists animals in their final days of life so they pass on peacefully
Reiki treatmentYou relax, fully clothed, on a couch or seated while the healer holds his hands on or above you. A treatment can last an hour or longer depending on the treatment required. Many practitioners use the standard hand positions and commonly a full treatment is given covering all the important organs of the body.There is no pressure on the body making it ideal for treating all ages and conditions, sometimes hands are even held away from the body. The energy flows wherever it is required (spiritually guided) and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body.
Reiki - a powerful and gentle healer
Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Balances the organs and glands
Strengthens the immune system
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Relieves pain
Clears toxins
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
Enhances personal awareness
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Aids meditation and positive thinking Heals holistically
Reiki treatments can offer you a wonderful way to truly relax but Reiki treatments can also provide so much more than that, helping to heal your body on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Whatever your reasons for coming for Reiki we can help you in the way that is right for you.
Treatment Time
Reiki treatments generally last for about 45 - 60 minutes, though sometimes longer treatments are required - this depends on what is needed by each individual client. The first Reiki treatment usually lasts around 90 minutes as we complete interview and treatment forms with you to establish how we can best help you.
"The Usui Reiki Therapy is something no one before has discovered and bears comparison with no other treatment in the world......
.....Reiki The Miraculous Medicine of All Diseases"
The Founder of Reiki, Usui Sensei

As Reiki healers we are trained to treat the person as a ‘whole’ meaning we look at the physical and emotional bodies and their interconnection.
We have seen through our healing work that certain events in people’s lives have often triggered their conditions. Major traumas in people’s lives will generally manifest as a physical illness eventually. Even seemingly inconsequential events will accumulate over time to create a physical problem. Ailments such as lower back pain, arthritis, stomach disorders (Crohn’s, Celiac, gut permeability etc) can be aggravated and in some cases caused by emotional trauma and stress.
Reiki is a form of non-intrusive energy healing originating in Japan. Reiki is used widely around the world and is offered in some hospitals in the US and the UK. Naturally occurring electromagnetic energy (universal energy) is channelled by an ‘attuned’ practitioner into the patient at the frequency of the condition being treated. The practitioner acts purely as a channel for the energy but in an active way using visualisation, intention and sacred Reiki symbols. Reiki can be used to treat yourself as well as others. Many people learn to use Reiki purely for their own self-development.
Reiki can be learned by anybody and everybody. It is not as is often claimed limited to those with a ‘spiritual’ or ‘healing’ gift. The only pre-requisite is an open mind and desire to learn how to help yourself and others. Students are attuned using a traditional method passed down from the original founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui. It cannot be learned from a book or by distance learning. The interaction between the teacher and the student is an integral part of becoming a Reiki practitioner.
Aroma- empowerment
Aromatherapy has been considered an incredibly powerful healing tool since ancient times. In Aromatherapy we utilize pure and potent plant essences also known of as Essential Oils.
This course is not just about developing a deeper and greater understanding of essential oils in general but for understanding and gaining a greater appreciation for all of nature, especially plants and trees and the wonderful things they offer to humanity. It is about developing an inner connection with plant life and especially for the essences of the plants, also known as essential oils. You will learn that plants have feelings and communicate in their own special way. You will learn how developing the lines of communication can help you in selecting oils for yourself and others in a much more intimate way than through the strict "science of aromatherapy", which works almost completely with the mental and physical levels.
It reaches the holistic level through the spiritual level wih the help of Reiki and aroma.
Accupressure works with the meridians and energy ("chi") of the body which serves as the interface between the body's dense physical tissue, the organ systems and processes, and the subtle energy fields surrounding the body, thereby affecting all levels of being. Done through clothing, it releases muscular tension, promotes relaxation, rebalances common complaints, and harmonizes the emotions. Excellent for relieving the acute phase of migraines, muscular tension, anxiety, stress, and more.Here we combine Reiki with accupressure to accelerate healing.
Crystal- empowerment
The use of crystals, minerals, rocks, gemstones for healing goes back to all the ancient cultures. Over time, with experience, the properties of different minerals became known, just as each culture got to know the benefits of their local herbs and plants for healing.
Crystals and Gemstones have long been known for their healing properties. They can be used all on their own or to complement other modalities, such as Reiki and Aromatherapy.
The tarot is most commonly viewed as a tool for divination. A traditional tarot reading involves a seeker - someone who is looking for answers to personal questions - and a reader - someone who knows how to interpret the cards. After the seeker has shuffled and cut the deck, the reader lays out the chosen cards in a pattern called a spread. Each position in the spread has a meaning, and each card has a meaning as well. The reader combines these two meanings to shed light on the seeker's question.
When you are empowered with this Divination Tool you have better insight to the questions and answers interpreted with the help of card blessed with Reiki.
'Mudra' simply means hand and finger postures. Like yogic body postures, it is also a discipline, to rejuvenate the body.
You must have seen the statues of Buddha, Jesus, Mahavir, and Shiva et al among many others, wherein the hands and fingers are shown curled in a specific posture.Such finger postures not only have a therapeutic effect on the mind-body system but also accentuate mental keenness and acuity. This science of hand and finger postures is 'Mudra Vigyan'. In fact, there are innumerable mudras and each has a specific effect. This science can help you to cure bodily ailments in a wonderful manner. It actually helps in balancing the five elements ( panch-tattvas ) in the human system to their optimal levels. The elements can even be increased or decreased to cure appropriate ailments. When the elements are completely balanced, the yoga (unison) of mind, body and soul with the Supreme Soul can be achieved! With the help of Reiki empowerment you can increase the positive effects of mudras by multiples.
You can practice mudras anywhere, anytime!
Stress management
The Main Offender - Stress
The Health and Safety Executive define stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them.”
Everyone suffers from stress to varying degrees. Prolonged stress is the most damaging and can adversely affect all the bodily processes, as the body hasn’t the time to recuperate, causing numerous physiological and psychological problems.
Stress -symptoms :-
trouble sleeping, headaches, constipation, diarrhoea, irritability, lack of energy, lack of concentration, poor appetite or over eating, anger, sadness, higher risk of asthma and arthritis flare-ups, stomach cramping and bloating, skin problems, depression, weight gain or loss, heart problems, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, neck and/or back pain, decrease in sexual desire.
Causes of Stress
Any kind of change or even imagined change can cause stress.
Stress begins from the moment you are born when you are first separated from your mother. You become stressed when are you are hungry, need changing, need a hug etc.
Work life
Finding work
A job promotion
Environmental factors (such as external toxins, tobacco, pollution, alcohol, food)
Moving house
Having children
Illness and injuries
Stress attacks us from every direction, everyday, whether we recognise it or not.No one is immune to stress, whether they think they are or not! Stress may not necessarily be expressed outwardly but internalised. It is often said that stress is an essential motivation tool to help us achieve more but it is when we are in a true state of relaxation that our bodies are most productive and our minds are the most focused and concentrated. If we can reduce our stress levels as much as possible in our lives we have a much greater chance of developing physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
The Effects of Stress
Depression -thought to be due to the continuous release of the stress hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands, resulting in a serotonin imbalance.
Damages Immune System -making them more prone to viral infections like cold ,flu etc
Causes Cancer - Leads to growth of tumour and other related cancerous conditions.
Aggravate Allergies and Skin conditions-leads to problems like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and acne.
Insomnia - sleep deprivation leads to fatigue and related problems
Memory Problems - loss of memory and lack of concentration
Sexual and Reproductive Problems-decrease in sexual desire, impotence in men and an inability to orgasm in women.Leads to infertility in both men and women.
Pregnancy Problems -Lead to miscarriage and other related problems.
Cardiovascular problems -Results in hypertension or high BP ,leading to heart attacks.
Headaches/ Joint and Muscular Pain
Digestive Disorders - Stress can delay the production of stomach acid and digestive processes, slowing or even halting digestion. Prolonged stress can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause problems such as: diarrhoea, constipation, cramping and bloating. Stress has been linked with: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Peptic Ulcers, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Eating Disorders -It will lead to increase or decrease in weight .
Diabetes - Stress has been linked to Diabetes as it can effect how the body utilises insulin to regulate blood glucose levels, causing persistent high blood glucose levels.
Living is inherently stressful.Some stress is actually necessaryto get us up and have us perform our duties.
However, what do we do when there is toomuch stress? If we do nothing, it willseriously affect our health.
So how can we manage stress!
There are two approaches to treating the issue of stress at work,or at home.One is to treat the individuals suffering from the effects of stress, the other is to change the environment that is causing the stress. In some circumstances a combination of both is needed.
We offer Reiki based interventions tailored around the organizational needs to reduce the harmful effects of stress on individual employees. Using Reiki healing we can reduce the mental and physical effects of stress and better equip the individual to deal with work related stressors.
We can treat clients via distant healing or we can use a suitable room at the workplace to treat a number of clients.

Meditation is the core aspect of personal and spiritual growth in my experience!Reiki is based on meditation and self awareness and reflection .
Meditation is anything which brings you into the MOMENT where you ARE SIMPLY BEING!!! Simple FOCUS on the breath or on a candle is sufficient.
This process simply opens you to higher vibrational energy, higher loving thoughts and feelings as well as helping you release fearful thoughts and emotions.
It is a very simple but powerful process. It takes practice and the courage to feel difficult emotions and the willingness to be honest with yourself!
Simple meditation
Bring yourself into the moment. Sit comfortably, keep your eyes open. Begin to feel with all your senses. (This should be done in an alert and ready-to-take-action frame of mind.)Begin to listen to the sounds around you, feel the earth beneath you. Sense if your body is cold or warm, then become aware of the areas that are cooler or warmer.Visually survey your environment. Recognize the shapes and colors of the objects you see. Then bring your attention to the taste in your mouth, the smells around you. Immerse yourself in all your senses. Take your time, absorb the world around you.If you are just starting this meditation, do it for five minutes severaltimes a day. Eventually you may do it once a day for 30 minutes.With daily diligent practice soon you will feel more in tune,in touch, and in control of your emotions.
Treat silence as an endangered species. Try to hear and enjoy the sound of silence when it's present. Give room for any gap to be filled by silence.
Happy life empowerment
Life Therapy is the science of getting well and staying that way, with the hopes that the student will share this knowledge with others, through his/her own good example.
How to Keep yourself Fit!Physics 101: "A body in motion stays in motion."* Enjoying the outdoors* Spending more time with friends, nurture and cherish your relationships.Share yourself; open up, expand and include.Invest in your relationships: give to others, and allow others to contribute to you.* Doing more of the things that make you feel good,perhaps watching funny movies and receiving regular massages
* Practicing yoga and relaxation every day, even if it's only for five (5) minutes* Becoming responsible for everything in your life;Stop complaining, hating, carrying grudges* Eating mindfully and sensibly. Always sit down when eating and enjoy every single bite to the fullest. Remember what we eat shows up in the body and changes our brain chemistry.* Have and create more fun for yourself and others around you. Value your friends.Regularly set aside some time to be with them. * Eat and drink more of what is good for you,foods that are freshly cooked. Lots of fruits, vegetables.Plenty of water (not too cold) before breakfast and between meals.* Learn to forgive. Forgiveness is freeing. It allows you to release the past and live in the now.It is the ultimate gift you can give yourself.* Learn to communicate with your body; it does not speak English! It communicates in feelings and sensations. Be attentive to your body. When you feel discomfort, find the cause and fix it. * Follow your heart, your gut feeling your body can take care of you, be nice to it.
Ten Ways to Change Your Life
1. Learn to stop thinking so much. Intelligence comes from taking the time to trust your intuition and making the decisions that are right for you.
2. Stop trying so hard to please other people.
3. Stop punishing yourself.
4. Touch other people’s lives.
5. Don’t go by what people say, see beyond their words to who they really are.
6. Look at the bigger picture.
7. Follow your own path.
8. Take the right sort of risks.
9. Be prepared to put a lot of effort into life.

Reiki Empowerment
Reiki is easy to learnAnyone can "learn" Reiki. The word learn is not quite right as most of us cannot just read about Reiki and then do it. The ability to use Reiki is normally given via an attunement / initiation. There are 3 levels of Reiki: Reiki 1 and 2 and the Master level. Once attuned Reiki is easy to use and your ability to use Reiki will never leave you!
Reiki attunements/initiations
A process called ‘attunements' are used on Reiki courses. These connect you to your higher self and help you to know yourself better. Many people like to think they are being true to their self but do not really understand their own true nature. Reiki shows you who you really are and opens up your mind to the things that you need in life rather than what you thought you wanted from life. Truth eludes many but a Reiki course and constant self-healing will open your mind to the truth and when you find it you will be amazed. As your awareness increases you will steadily begin to follow your higher path and will be astonished by what you can achieve.
We offer Reiki courses from beginner to master level. Our Reiki courses are straightforward, comprehensive and offer a wonderful opportunity for personal growth and development
When attending a Reiki course the participant gets attuned/initiated by a Reiki master through a simple process, this opens him/her to receive and utilize more of the Universal Life Energy. The attunements have in themselves a very powerful balancing and healing effect. Since energy spins at different levels Reiki is normally split into 3 levels: Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Master level.Today many Reiki masters give Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 initiations in one weekend course. Personally I find that this method gives a more powerful attunement.
During the attunement/initiation process the Reiki master acts as a mirror to help the student adjust to the Reiki energy. This energy creates an open "channel" for the cosmic or universal life energy. From the top of the persons head and through this "channel" the energy flows down through the body and back out through the hands when Reiki is "given".
The Reiki attunement is almost always a very special spiritual experience for the receiver and sometimes also for the Master.
Reiki 1 - benefits physical bodyThe Reiki 1 attunement seems to mainly benefit the physical body in opening it up to channel more Reiki energy. Once attuned one will never lose the ability to use Reiki. In Reiki 1 the history of Reiki and the hand positions are taught. There are normally 4 initiations for Reiki 1 (depending on system there might be less initiations). A Reiki attunement takes about 20-30 minutes and is a very relaxing and beneficial experience.
Reiki 2 - benefits subtle bodyThe Reiki 2 attunement gives an even higher possible level of energy vibrations in the student. Here one also learns 3 Reiki symbols: The Power Symbol, The Mental Symbol and The Distance Symbol these can be used to help focus energy for specific purposes. For Reiki 2 there is normally only one initiation. The Reiki 2 attunement seems to have the greatest effect on the subtile body also known in the western world as the Aura.
Masters Degree
Reiki Master This initiation is given to attune persons who have Reiki 2 and wish to be able to teach and initiate others into Reiki. In this process the vibration level of energy is once again raised and the Master symbol is taught. To become Reiki Master one does not have to dedicate oneself to teaching others, the Reiki Master level can be taken for your own pleasure or benefit.
Karuna Ki is an exceptional compliment to Usui Reiki. For all Reiki Masters, this highly developed and intuitive system focuses on Compassion. The symbols, mudras and meditations lead us directly to unconditional love for ourselves, thus, the ability to spread compassion throughout the Universe
Details of our Reiki courses
There is only one student per class and this is taught by request only.
All Reiki courses are certificated and include a Reiki manual.

Long-Distance Sessions Consultation via telephone are available for deepening your understanding of how basic Reiki principles can be applied to your life. Intuitive readings can also be done. Reiki is ideal for long distance, and, after a phone consultation, Reiki can be sent to you for 15-30 minutes. The cost of these sessions range from $20 - $40, payable in advance by Visa.
Vibrational Reiki
Lightarian Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner Training is offered to Usui and Karuna-based Reiki Masters (the Buddhic Boost may be used to bridge the gap between Usui and Karuna systems if the student does not wish to receive Karuna training). Through a series of four levels, you will raise your personal vibration, while dramatically expanding your capability for delivering these higher and finer healing energies. The emphasis in Lightarian Reiki is on simplicity. No symbols are required. Each of the four levels has its own training/attunement/certification process.Lightarian Reiki has been brought forth from Ascended Master Buddha at this time to awaken humanity to six higher levels of universal energy that have long been unavailable to us.
Jeannine Marie Jelm was the developer of Lightarian Reiki in mid 1997 in conjunction with the energies of Ascended Master Buddha*. In collaboration with Christopher Jelm, the information being brought forth about Lightarian Reiki was refined and clarified.
Benefits of the Lightarian Reiki .As you receive your Lightarian Reiki attunements, various levels of personal healing will be stimulated and the vibration levels of your chakras and subtle bodies will be raised.
.Your mastery and capability for delivering healing energies of a higher and finer frequency to your clients will be dramatically expanded..Various latent "spiritual gifts & talents" may start to manifest and your "sense of self" may expand based on the energetic transformations launched by the Lightarian Reiki attunements.. Immediately following your attunement and certification at a particular level of Lightarian Reiki, you are energetically prepared to deliver healing sessions to your own clients and train your own students at that level.
.There are four levels within Lightarian Reiki. These levels are called Lightarian Reiki I & II, III, IV and V & VI. A comprehensive training manual is provided for Level I & II and supplemental manuals are provided for the advanced levels. The three advanced levels are about progressively "stepping up" your energies, connecting you into higher aspects of the Buddhic energies. No formal training is required for these levels. During the advanced levels, an introduction and permanent connection is made with a different supportive energy to assist in creating an expansion of the healing work and to enhance the healing process.
Lightarian Reiki I & II~ the majority of the principles of Lightarian Reiki are taught and your initial attunement with Ascended Master Buddha is delivered. This first training/attunement prepares you vibrationally to receive the attunements in the three higher levels
Lightarian Reiki III~ you are "introduced" to Gaia, the Earth Mother, whose energies will be available as a "healing platform" for your personal healing process and your healing with clients.
Lightarian Reiki Level IV~ you receive the loving and powerful overlighting "umbrella-like" effects of special healing energies of the Godhead.
Lightarian Reiki V & VI ~another supportive healing energy is introduced, that of Ascended Master Sananda. He joins with Ascended Master Buddha, Gaia and the Godhead to create what we call the Divine Healing Chamber. This unique and powerful healing tool, the Divine Healing Chamber, is then available to you for your work with clients as well as for yourself.
Remote Lightarian Attunements
When given remotely, Lightarian Reiki attunements are simply an extension of the principle of working energetically with Reiki at a distance. There are no limitations in transcending time and space except the ones that we humans create in our own minds. When following a few simple procedures and techniques taught in Lightarian Reiki attunements given remotely can be just as powerful and effective as in-person ones. There are many practitioners who work remotely with people around the world, not being limited by time and space. They know they can positively affect a person's etheric and physical bodies and mind through the power of focused intention and thought.
"The Usui Reiki Therapy is something no one before has discovered and bears comparison with no other treatment in the world......
.....Reiki The Secret Art of Inviting Happiness"

These specific aspects of God/Source/All That Is/etc. are here to help humans of all religious backgrounds and spiritual beliefs. We are all individuals and unique and, therefore, I believe our spiritual natures are also unique. You are encouraged to honor the Divine Source that you are familiar with and again, in no way change your belief system. I feel it is necessary to give credit to these aspects of the Divine for their guidance and support of Sacred Flames Reiki, for without them, this system would not exist. A Reiki attunement is activated by a Reiki master-teacher, who has been trained in the attunement technique, and who shares the process with a person who has the spiritual desire and intention to awaken their inner healing power.
One of the things that takes place in a Reiki attunement is that our subtle energy system, clears and releases denser energies. Also our chakras and etheric field are strengthened so that we are capable of receiving and transmitting high frequency healing light, at will and for extended periods of time.
As the strength of Reiki increases, the power of the attunement to clear and fortify our subtle bodies is intensified as well.
Reiki attunements are adjustments made by the Reiki Master to the students energy body to connect to the source of the energy and allow the flow of energy from the Universe into the student. This allows the student to heal using the Reiki energy and to develop themselves on every level to fulfill their higher path. Once attuned, the student has a direct connection to the Highest Consciousness.

For those students that he taught on short courses, Reiki attunements were used as a direct and immediate connection to the source of the energy.

Those who don't feel this Lovepulling them like a river,those who don't drink dawnlike a cup of spring wateror take in sunset like supper,those who don't want to change,
let them sleep.
~ Rumi

contact us:-lightarian@gmail.com

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