Friday, December 1, 2023

Karma Yogi's Divine Secret: Transcending to Divine

In the ethereal realm of Vaikunth Dham, where celestial beauty reigned supreme, a solitary figure sat beneath the shade of an ancient tree. He was holding an ancient silver flute, with beads hanging on the end of the flute. His name was Govinda, a renowned Karma Yogi who had attained liberation through selfless service and deep devotion.

Govinda's presence radiated an aura of serenity, his eyes twinkling with the wisdom of ages. His face, etched with the lines of countless experiences, reflected an inner peace, undisturbed by the turbulence of the mortal world.

As disciples and seekers approached him, drawn by his reputation for sage counsel, Govinda greeted them with a warm smile and a gentle nod. His words, simple yet wise, echoed the essence of karma yoga, the path of selfless action.

"Seek not the fruits of your labor," he would advise, his voice like the gentle murmur of a flowing stream. "Let your actions be driven by the purity of intention, not by the desire for reward."

His words pierced through the veil of ego and attachment, reminding his listeners that true fulfillment lay not in the pursuit of personal gain but in selfless service.

"Let your actions be an offering to the divine," he would continue, his eyes gleaming with a divine light. "Let every Karma, no matter how small, one should perform with devotion and love."

His teachings resonated with the seekers, inspiring them to transform their daily actions into acts of spiritual practice, infused with the spirit of selfless dedication.

Under the huge ancient tree, Govinda's presence served as a beacon of wisdom, guiding countless souls on the  Divine path toward spiritual enlightenment. His words, like seeds sown in fertile soil, took root in the hearts of seekers, blossoming into a harvest of selfless service and strong devotion.

Amidst the ethereal beauty of Vaikunth Dham, the realm of celestial splendor, a scene unfolded, witnessed by the focussed eyes of Govinda, the enlightened karma yogi. Beneath the expansive canopy of an ancient tree, Govinda sat in deep meditation, his presence radiating an aura of wisdom and tranquility.

As these seekers with their one question approached Govinda, drawn by his reputation as sage counsel, he greeted them with a warm smile and gentle words, offering guidance on the path of selfless action and unwavering devotion. Among the seekers was a young man, a friend of Govinda's younger son, who had arrived at Vaikunth Dham by the grace of the living saint, Mata Amritanandamayee. He was traveling Astrally to Vaikunth Dham by grace of the powers he gained through his meditation practice,

This young man, a devout follower of Mata Amritanandamayee, approached Govinda with a heart brimming with reverence and a mind seeking spiritual illumination. Govinda, with his keen perception, observed the young man's sincere devotion and recognized the imprint of Mata Amritanandamayee's grace upon him.

As the young man listened intently to Govinda's teachings, his heart resonated with the wisdom of karma yoga, the path of selfless action. Govinda's words, like seeds sown in fertile soil, took root in the young man's heart, blossoming into an intense understanding of the transformative power of selfless service.

In the silence that followed Govinda's teachings, the young man's eyes met Govinda's, in that moment, a silent acknowledgment of recognition passed between them. Govinda, with a subtle nod and a knowing smile, recognized the young man's readiness to embrace the path of selfless service, guided by the grace of Mata Amritanandamayee.

The young man, deeply moved by his encounter with Govinda, carried the essence of his teachings within him, a beacon of light illuminating his path toward spiritual enlightenment. He understood that true fulfillment lay not in the pursuit of personal gain but in selfless service, offered with devotion.

As the young man departed from Vaikunth Dham, Govinda's eyes followed him, filled with a sense of satisfaction and hope. He knew that the young man would carry the flame of selfless service into the world, spreading the message of love and compassion, inspired by the grace of Mata Amritanandamayee.

The young man, deeply moved by his encounter with Govinda, returned to his friend, Govinda's younger son. With a heart overflowing with gratitude and a newfound understanding of his spiritual connection to Govinda, he revealed the Divine truth – that Govinda was not just his teacher but also his father.

Govinda's younger son, initially stunned by this revelation, soon embraced the truth with a sense of acceptance. He realized that they shared a bond with Govinda’s transcended earthly boundaries, extending into spiritual kinship.

By their tradition, the young man vowed to observe the thirteenth-day ritual for Govinda, a solemn rite of passage honoring the departed soul. He embarked on a strict fast, his mind filled with memories of Govinda's wisdom and guidance.

On the thirteenth day, as the final rituals for Govinda's earthly journey were performed, the young man stood by his friend's side, his heart filled with a mix of grief and honor. He felt Govinda's presence, not as a physical entity but as a radiant energy permeating the atmosphere.

At that moment, the young man realized that Govinda's teachings had transcended the boundaries of life and death. His words, like seeds sown in fertile soil, had taken root in the young man's heart, blossoming into a p understanding of the eternal nature of the soul.

As the final rites concluded, the young man emerged from his fast, his body cleansed and his spirit renewed. He carried within him the essence of Govinda's teachings, Divine Light illuminating his path toward spiritual enlightenment.

From that day onward, the young man dedicated himself to a path of selfless service, inspired by Govinda's wisdom and the grace of Mata Amritanandamayee. He became a beacon of love and compassion, spreading Govinda's teachings to all who sought guidance and solace.

And so, the young man's journey, guided by the grace of two enlightened beings, Govinda and Mata Amritanandamayee, unfolded as a testament to the transformative power of selfless service and the enduring bond between teacher and student, father and son, soul and soul.

As the sun set on the thirteenth day, casting long shadows across the tranquil landscape, Govinda's elder son, Devendra, prepared to perform the final rites for his beloved father. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the rhythmic chanting of mantras, creating an atmosphere of honor.

Devendra, his heart heavy with grief yet filled with a deep sense of love and gratitude, stood before the hawan kund, the sacred fire that served as the focal point of the ceremony. As he poured offerings into the flames, a vision of Govinda appeared before him, his face radiating with an otherworldly glow.

In this vision, Govinda's form began to merge with the infant Lord Krishna, the divine child known for his playful pranks and boundless love. Devendra watched in awe as the two figures melded into one, their essence intertwining like strands of pure light.

The vision intensified, enveloping Devendra's entire being. He felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, a sensation of pure bliss and boundless love. The boundaries between himself, Govinda, and Lord Krishna dissolved, leaving behind a sense of interconnectedness that transcended time and space.

In that moment of inner awakening, Devendra realized that Govinda was not just his father but an embodiment of the divine, a vessel of Lord Krishna's infinite love and compassion. The teachings Govinda had imparted upon him, the wisdom that had guided his life, now shone with a new clarity, illuminated by the divine light that had enveloped him.

As the hawan concluded, Devendra emerged from his vision, his heart overflowing with gratitude and his spirit ablaze with newfound understanding. He had witnessed the merging of the mortal with the divine, a testament to the boundless love that permeates the universe.

From that day forward, Devendra carried within him the essence of this spiritual experience, guiding his actions and shaping his worldview. He became a beacon of love and compassion, spreading Govinda's teachings and embodying the divine spirit that had touched his soul.

And so, the story of Govinda, his elder son, Devendra, his younger son, and his young friend became a testament to the transformative power of devotion and the enduring connection between the human and the divine, a tale of love, wisdom, and the boundless grace that permeates the universe.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Final Journey of A Karma Yogi: A Divine Odyssey

Karma Yoga is one of the four main paths of yoga outlined in Hindu philosophy, and it is explained by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text in Hinduism. Karma Yoga emphasizes selfless action and the performance of one's duties without attachment to the results of those actions. It teaches that by doing one's duties with dedication and without desire for personal gain, individuals can attain spiritual growth and liberation.


One of the key verses in the Bhagavad Gita that explains Karma Yoga is found in Chapter 2, Verse 47:


"Karmanye vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana,

Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhur Ma Te Sangostvakarmani."


This verse can be translated as:


"You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty."


Lord Krishna is advising Arjuna (the protagonist of the Bhagavad Gita) to carry out his duties as a warrior (his prescribed duty) without attachment to the outcomes. This detachment from the fruits of actions is central to Karma Yoga. It encourages individuals to act with a sense of duty and righteousness while surrendering the ego and personal desires. In doing so, one can attain a state of inner peace and spiritual realization.


In essence, Karma Yoga teaches that selfless action, performed with the right attitude, can lead to spiritual growth and ultimately, liberation from the cycle of birth and death (moksha).


My Father-Papa: Final Journey!

In the sterile, hushed halls of the ICU, Papa lay in a hospital bed, his once-strong body now weakened. (by pulmonary fluid retention). Tubes and monitors surrounded him, a stark contrast to the vitality he had once radiated. His room felt heavy with the weight of his condition, and the antiseptic scent seemed to underscore the seriousness of the situation. Despite the clinical setting, Papa's eyes, though dimmed by illness, held a depth of emotion that words could scarcely convey.


It was during this fragile moment that he whispered three words to his daughter-in-law, words so faint that they hung in the air like an enigmatic riddle. The room seemed to hold its breath as those three words defied interpretation and settled as a poignant mystery in the hearts of those who heard them.


As Papa bade her a clear farewell, an unspoken intuition gripped the room — this was his final goodbye. She conveyed this message to me, and I immediately made my way to his town, next afternon to his bedside. It was September 13th, and Papa's birthday was just a few days away on the 17th. When I entered the hospital room, there was a flicker of recognition in his eyes. He saw me and his grand daughter, and in that moment, it felt as if time itself had paused to honor our reunion.


One by one, family members began to gather. His younger son, daughter-in-law, and nephew had already been there, maintaining a vigil over him. As his two daughters arrived and my daughter and son-in-law joined us, the room began to fill with a sense of unity and purpose. Each of us carried our own memories of Papa, each one's presence a testament to the love and bond we shared with him.


Throughout those challenging days, my son-in-law stood steadfast by his side, a strong pillar of support. Papa’s brother, too, remained a constant support. He visited the hospital to meet papa for last time. He stood there and told Papa to recite Gayatri Mantra. Papa acknowledged his little brother’s presence by nodding his head as he could not speak. The family came together, offering solace and strength in this trying time. The room, once filled with machines beeping and nurses bustling, became a sacred space where we shared our hopes, fears, and silent prayers.


But the undeniable truth hung in the air — the moment of Papa's transition was drawing near. We could all feel it, a profound undercurrent of energy, a shift in the very air we breathed. It was during this pivotal moment that one of my teachers, a spiritual guru well-versed in the mysteries of the soul, connected to me over the phone. He sensed that something was wrong. He carried an aura of wisdom and serenity that seemed to soothe the turmoil in our hearts.


He calculated through Prashna Kundali that Papa has a short time left but he did not reveal it to me. He sensed that his end journey was ahead and suggested that we invoke Lord Krishna, the Divine Guide, to assist Papa on his path to the Spiritual Realm. My Guru guided me to whisper in Papa’s ears that Lord Krishna is Papa’s Guru. He gave a sacred mantra, to whisper it in his ears. I was at home, and his daughter-in-law stepped forward to fulfill this sacred duty. She whispered the Divine Mantra in his ears.


Her voice, quivering yet resolute, carried the mantra into the room like a prayer. As the syllables flowed from her lips, an extraordinary transformation began to unfold before our eyes. A radiant figure of Lord Krishna appeared at Papa's bedside, bathed in a Luminous, Divine White Light. His presence filled the room with a sense of awe and reverence, and it was as if the boundary between the mortal and the divine had dissolved.

The morning was tense. Papa was in the same condition even when my sister, brother and daughter-in-law went to meet him. As they stepped outside, there was a call from the hospital.

Sensing the Energy Shift in the room, the medical team rushed to Papa's side, their expressions reflecting a mix of astonishment and concern. Papa was about to go. His body was in distress. His daughter-in-law, her voice unwavering, requested the doctors to make Papa wait for just half an hour. She knew, with a deep, intuitive knowing, that Papa's soul was on the brink of a profound journey, and this moment was sacred beyond measure. She wanted all the family members present should meet Papa.


During that half-hour, an incredible transformation took place. My friend from Panama and I, who were spiritually present in the room, bore witness to Papa's soul departing his physical body. We saw a shadowy void on his hospital bed, an emptiness that seemed to absorb the room's ambient light. And then, as if guided by an unseen hand, Papa's spirit ascended above it, liberated from the confines of suffering and illness.


Yet, there seemed to be something that held him back, an unseen force that cried out "my boy, my baby boy." It was as though the ethereal bonds of love and attachment sought to delay his departure, as if he was not yet ready to leave behind the world he knew and loved. It was then that I made a hurried call to my brothers, including the one who was ailing and far away. They confirmed that they were indeed holding onto Papa, encouraging him to stay, perhaps hoping for one more moment, one more connection with the patriarch they revered.


With heavy hearts and tearful eyes, we realized that it was time to release him. The entire family gathered around his bedside, united in their decision. As they whispered words of encouragement, urging Papa to embark on his celestial journey, his soul began to shine even brighter, and the radiant light surrounding him grew more intense, as if in response to the love and support that enveloped him.


My daughter, with her keen perception, bore witness to a monumental sight. She saw the colossal form of Lord Krishna, His Divine Feet adorned with pink aalta, a mark of Divine Presence. Papa, in his ethereal small form, held onto Lord Krishna's index finger, a gesture of unwavering trust and surrender. Lord Krishna, dressed in his resplendent warrior attire reminiscent of the Mahabharata epic, stood ready to guide Papa to his celestial abode.


Together, they ascended into a celestial chariot, poised for a journey beyond the mortal realm. My mom was present near the Chariot, and she welcomed Papa. Papa was very happy to see her. The Chariot was a vision of Grandeur, a manifestation of Divine Grace. Before they vanished from our sight, my friend and I bowed in profound gratitude to Lord Krishna, thanking him for his divine presence in this sacred moment.


A sweet girl (my soul daughter) from Mumbai, who was a part of our collective spiritual effort, witnessed a network of Radiant Light Lines connecting family members to Papa. As he moved towards a Radiant Light, it expanded and exploded like a Brilliant Supernova, illuminating the night sky in a Dazzling Divine Display. It was as though the love and prayers of the family had ignited the very Heavens.


At 10:21 PM, it seemed as though Papa had embarked on his final journey. However, when morning arrived on the 17th, his birthday, he was still with us. It was as though he had been granted a grace period of a day, a brief respite before his ultimate departure. This message was conveyed and confirmed by my Panama friend.


His eyes sparkled with joy as he saw his grandson and his granddaughter's husband. Yet, he continued to search for "his baby boy," the missing link in his heart. This Special Day was his Birthday. His Birthday was celebrated with everyone present in the ICU. Papa’s baby boy was on video call, Papa was bewildered as to why my son was not with him. That evening, he remained stable, peacefully retiring for the night, as if he had decided to grant the family one more day of precious togetherness.


As the day unfolded, the mysteriously malfunctioning internet, in my room, suddenly came to life. My friend from Panama and I saw an opportunity and quickly connected. We initiated a final session with Papa, whose soul was now free and bewildered, soaring high in the clear blue sky. Time was around 10 a.m.


I whispered, "Now, you can go and meet your son, Papa."

To our surprise, Papa responded, "I can't."

My Panama friend and I, with hearts heavy with emotion, took his hand, leading him towards his son, who awaited him with open arms. His “baby boy” was sitting on his chair in his living room in another city. There was a balcony in front of his room.


I held Papa’s hand and brought Papa’s soul in front of my brother. In front of his son, Papa gently placed his hand on his son's head, tears streaming down his cheeks. He blessed him and spoke words of assurance: "All will change from now, for the better."

 His son hugged him tightly. It was time to go for Papa. My friend and I guided Papa to the balcony, where Lord Krishna awaited with his Resplendent Shiny Bright Chariot.


In that transcendent moment, we bowed in intense reverence, touched Lord Krishna's Divine Feet, and expressed our deepest gratitude. Brother also bowed and touched Lord Krishna’s Divine Feet. Lord Krishna's Chariot carried Papa away into the clear blue sky, like a shooting star. Our beloved papa embarked on his ultimate journey, a journey toward reunion with his near and dear ones, toward a realm of boundless love and eternal peace.


And as he ascended, the entire family felt a sense of peace and closure. Papa was free, reunited with his loved ones, and embraced by the Divine. The sky was filled with a Radiant Light, bearing witness to the extraordinary soul that had found its way back to the Cosmos. It was a journey like no other, a testament to the enduring power of love, faith, and spiritual connection. In the end, Papa's final journey was not just an odyssey; it was a Divine Odyssey that touched the hearts of all who were privileged to witness it.

When I reached home, my both sisters hugged me with happiness that I helped my brother meet papa as they both wanted to meet each other. Rest all was last rites rituals which were carried out smoothly where papa’s mortal body had peace on his face n a little mischievous smile on his face. This indicated that he had achieved his lifetime goals as a Karma Yogi. He had fulfilling life of 90 years. He was fortunate to see his family growing and flourishing. God Blessed him and took him in His Divine Abode.

This Final Ethereal Journey has been mentioned in many old and ancient scriptures where I and my Panama friend witnessed it happening. We viewed all that a saint, a person with high vibrational and frequency levels can witness. This also authenticates that whatever is communicated in the end note of a person’s Final Journey decides his Future Travel to the Life Beyond.

I am grateful to the Divine Higher Beings who have allowed me to be a spectator and a guide to my Papa, who has given me a life of great value and blessed me to touch the feet of Lord Krishna.

Ever grateful to My Teacher (who was instrumental in creating the connection), My Panama Friend, And my Mumbai Sweet Girl, My Soul Daughter who are witnesses to the whole Divine Journey of Papa to the Divine Realm Beyond.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Death Indication from Higher Beings

As a Healer and Teacher, I came across many such instances where Masters from Above indicated the pre-indication of demise of people in some ways or other. Though they are very insignificant one but indicates towards a bigger picture. If you miss it, it won’t be repeated. We have to connect and identify.
One of my husband’s colleagues was suffering from mouth cancer for a long time. His cancer became life threatening despite all efforts. Family tried their best to give the best treatment available. But……
We decided to go and meet him the final time at hospital. It was few hours away from our place. I was getting ready. All of a sudden my newly prepared Clear Quartz Mala broke and beads scattered all over on the floor. Surprisingly, I wear it for protection and for Energy works. This indicated that this person is going to leave this world. We went to hospital. We met his family who was well prepared for his demise. Saw this person breathing his last few breath and came back after reviewing his health reports. His cancer was of final stage and he was a terminal case.
One day later he left this world after suffering with mouth cancer.
Another incident where death was indicated was by visions of person out of their body.
I never knew this person but was asked to scan this lady. I saw her in hospital lying on the hospital bed. Her soul was standing outside her body. Then later she was reported dead.
This was one incident where I was literally curtained by Higher Beings was one of the shocking event of my life.
I was given indication when blue sapphire crystal came off my ring. Few days before her demise, it was lost and then found under my bed(I tried to wear it later on, the stone came out.I tried to repair it,the ring broke.I could not wear it again.I have to buy a new ring of Blue Sapphire). I was shocked because there was no terminal case with me. So I thought it’s a mistaken indication. But you can’t stop unusual things from happening…

My favorite student was in pain and I was continuously giving healing to her. Masters created a Veil during the moment she was going to leave her body. She left her body in that Veil. After half hour when her family informed me of her demise, I was shocked to know that she left her body. I saw her soul roaming on Night Street confused and shocked. I called her soul, held her hand, took her towards her body lying on hospital bed and requested her to go in. She looked up towards me and told me that it is too late…I can’t go in. Then I requested Divine Light to take her in. Saw her going into this Divine Light.
She was a Blessed Soul who became An Angel wearing a Diamond studded Tiara!
One of the most recent case, where death was indicated.
This was one terminal case where an old pious lady was on death bed. She was suffering so much but God was with her but not taking her. I saw Lord Shiva holding her left hand till the end. (Her left hand was functional till the end as observed by both her daughter-in-law and her son)When she was about to go, my clock stopped working. Till next day, when she left, I had no wall clock. Amazingly, whatever clocks we tried to run was not running despite putting new battery. Then we have to buy another clock to replace old one. Also, I saw a vision that she went off to deep peaceful sleep in her blanket to which I commented to my husband that I also want to sleep in this kind of bed and that too peacefully and comfortably. Just after this vision I got a call from his son that she left peacefully in her sleep and that he confirmed with me about her demise from distance. After this confirmation, I saw that she left with Lord Shiva. She was walking in the beginning but later when she was unable to walk, He lifted her in His arms and took her to Heavenly Abode. She was really A Great Shiva Devotee whole of her lifetime.

She was one Blessed Person for whom God Himself came down!

Karmas affect the Final Transition and Indications.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

One Life.....Many Experiences...Beyond Belief!!!!!

Mauritius, an island Nation…with enchanting scenic beauty has an ability to uplift souls. Clear blue sky above and serene sea with beautiful corals can tranquilize anyone with an eye for beauty in nature’s lap. The multitude of colors and tastes, this island is surrounded by turquoise sea. With lush green scenic beauty and simple people the captivating island is full of lovely surprises.
It is an oasis of peace and tranquility. Mountains scattered throughout the island, tropical forests and plants add to the natural beauty of island. The sandy beaches and transparent lagoon reminds me of Blue Lagoon movie, which created a rage in the World. The island nation is surrounded by coral reefs, which adds to its beautiful luster. The serenity of island nation saw only beautiful and simple people who were God fearing and broadminded to accept any culture with open arms. The mixed cultural society created beautiful nation with friendly atmosphere.

I met one of the inhabitants of Mauritius on Global Internet. 
Well! Walsh! 
He was so simple and noble soul that instantly we both were talking on similar topics and became so close as if we knew each other since ages. Most of the prediction and blessings by Higher Beings with me were proved correct and he became firm believer of Higher Vibrational Predictions through me. His Faith cleared many obstacles from his life path and he emerged as a better and matured person over a period of time. Our bond strengthened and he became a firm believer of Miracles of Life!!!

One fine day he sent me a report of a young 20 years old Mauritian girl, Belinda. He requested whether I would send healing to her as she is suffering from advanced case of Leukeamia? Also her blood count has come down so that she can’t travel to India for treatment. I said, “Ok! I will send her healings so that she can come to India.”
Her blood count increased by sending healings so that she could come to India. Doctors at Mauritius allowed her to travel from Mauritius to India.
I was happy to see that she could come to India for better medical treatment.
At last the little grown up girl, Belinda, landed in India and was admitted to Cancer Specialty Hospital.
I went there to meet her at the request of her elder sister who wanted me to see and give healings to Belinda in person. I agreed to visit them.
I came to the ward. I was told to wear protective covers so that the patient should not catch any infection. I entered the room, where Belinda was admitted after passing through two doors of immunity.
I saw Belinda on bed, her sister Dharya on attendant bed and her father sitting on a chair. They were so happy to see me there. Girls touched my feet with respect. I blessed them with whole heart.
Dharya requested me to give healing. I touched Belinda and started the healing process.
Belinda immediately went into trance. She saw Lord Krishna in human form. He was calling Belinda. Belinda was standing there spellbound seeing Lord himself giving her Darshan. Lord Krishna was blessing her in his full attire---He was wearing peacock feather crown and holding Flute in one of his hand. He was wearing yellow dress and he was looking so Divine to Belinda. Around Him was Yellow Light which surrounded Belinda. Belinda was spellbound! She could not move! She could not say!
She was just watching Him in awe. Her favorite Lord has come to Life!!
 After awhile, I ended the session and Belinda came out of her deep trance after 15minutes.
Belinda narrated her encounter to her sister and father. I guided her to pray to Lord to grant her few more years of Life. She said that she will ask Lord, but she never requested Lord to grant her wishes. Belinda wanted to leave this world. They were connected to ISKCON, and was worshipper of Lord Krishna. Dharya asked me whether this is an indication of her demise .I felt it but I consoled them and told them to give her best of medical and personal care.
I gave one crystal quartz and one bracelet to Belinda. This was her clinging support to Divine Energy.
Her medical care was good and personal care was equally good as imparted by her sister Dharya.
I was giving distance healing to Belinda everyday. Belinda became attached to me. She started identifying me with her mother. I again visited her after few days. I gave her healings. She saw stone statue of  Lord Krishna and grey light around her and the statue. She kept on seeing it in trance. I told her to pray to Lord to cure her soon. But she never requested Lord. She has lost all hopes. Doctors told them that she has 50-50 chances of survival.
Dharya and her father were disturbed.
God’s Will!!
I continued giving her healing distantly. Dharya asked Walsh to give healings from Ireland.
I saw her coming and going out of her body many times, as if soul wants to cling to body but could not stay .It was as if the body was lying and soul was half out. Then again went in lying position. This happened when she was getting worse.
Then one day, Dharya told me that her blood count has gone down and that she is in ICU. Belinda was seriously ill.
I went there and saw her. Belinda did not want to live. I gave her healings. She refused to accept. She removed my hands. I still gave her healings to let her bear her pains. She was not taking medicines even in hospital. She was not ready to wear oxygen mask. She created great fuss in taking medicine and food. She sank down mentally.
She committed medical suicide in a way.
I met her doctor. He was not so positive but trying to prepare Dharya and father to bear the pain of her going. He even looked towards me to support and counsel both Dharya and her father to face the demise of Belinda. The most difficult task of a Doctor is helplessness. Despite knowledge they can’t be God!!!
Third day I saw her soul outside her body near the bed. The soul was little dark. She was very sad. She needed more healings…more prayers. She wanted to meet her mother. Sadly, she could not meet her mother who was in Mauritius.
After three days in ICU, Belinda left this world, her soul looking sad. 
Belinda’s father informed me of her demise n requested me to come to hospital to console Dharya. I went there. Dharya was not in her senses. I gave her healings for one-hour and counseled her. The magic of healings brought her back to her senses within one hour. She was in control of her emotions. She told me that she is man of the house and she has to look after the family.
She also told that her family is affected by black magic. Belinda’s death was result of black magic. Her brother is affected by black magic. This is evident by his loose character and smoking, drinking and bad company. The boy is also not studying and has no purpose in his life. So, she is sole breadwinner of her family after her father. Her mother is a housewife who looks after a ninety-year-old grandmother who is bedridden. The relatives in Mauritius created money problem for the family so that they could not bring Belinda for her treatment to India. But still Dharya could make things workable to make her travel possible. But, Belinda was too weak to travel. This affected her treatment. Also in Mauritius she as not taking medicines properly and Doctors were not able to give her best treatment. Her father forced her to come to India for treatment but was bit short tempered which gave the girl negative boost of life. She even had differences with Dharya also at some point of time also. Her neighbors at Mauritius were jealous of the family but Dharya was strong to get out of country for further studies. Now she wants to study MBA and get good job to support her family. So, she joined her course in Ireland. To support her studies and to bear the expensive living, she took up casual part time jobs, which included cleaning washrooms also. Though it was degrading in her country, she took up these jobs to support her. I felt sympathetic towards her. So I bought few things for her and gave her as gift.
Then started the process of taking the body of Belinda to Mauritius. Hospital made arrangement and sent her body to Mauritius.  Dharya was so devastated that she did not contacted after she left India. Even her father did not contact me after that. They did not contact Walsh also, who made my meeting with them possible.


I contacted Walsh. He told that he also gave healing one day and heard cat crying near his window. It indicated that something bad is going to happen. And he got he news through her friend that Belinda passed away. Dharya did not inform him. Walsh felt bad as he gave Dharya and her boyfriend healings before she left Ireland for he sister’s treatment. Walsh also asked Dharya about why she delayed in telling about Belinda’s illness? But she had no answer. It seems she had no idea about Reiki. Anyways,
Belinda needed Reiki. She got it!!!
Belinda’s body reached Mauritius.Her mother was told just hours before arrival of her body. She was kind of prepared and comparatively under control.

Mourning period started!

I felt that it would last for 13days. Belinda contacted me one night while giving healings to my patient. She was in her room in her home. There was big window in her room. There was bright light outside, which was coming in through the window but room was dark. There was cupboard in her room, which she was touching lovingly. The table in front of the window was filled with Belinda’s belongings. I saw her watch very vividly. Then she was very sad. Her soul looked very sad. She was sad that her room was very dark. The room was on first floor. Then all of a sudden I saw her shrieking. She was being pulled down. She did not want to go. She was calling me. She was clinging to the crystal I gave her.

“Nu didi! Please save me!”

She should be sent to Light soon!

Again one fine day I saw Belinda in her room.She was crying and asking for help. I saw her legs tied before but second day I saw her hands also tied and she is being pulled down somewhere in darkness. I was feeling that somebody was trying to tame her soul. Walsh told me that it’s like black magic. The area where Dharya lives is very bad, full of negativity. People can take life for simple things. Even Walsh met with an accident after going through that area. Even his business meeting was unsuccessful because of the negativity in that area. So that area was very much affected by negative vibrations and people doing Black magic to affect others for petty gains.
 Again Belinda connected to me. I saw her again in her room. Room was dark. They haven’t taken care to please her soul. I saw the house was affected by Black Magic.
Dharya asked , “Why Belinda contacted you and not anyone else?”
I answered, “ Because she was spiritually connected to me as I was channeling healings to her. Also she saw a motherly figure in me.”
I saw Belinda being pulled down and she was shrieking, “Nu didi,Save me!”
Her shrieking sound was repeating in my mind again and again. The sound was ringing in my ears. It was disturbing me. I reported this matter to Walsh. He promised to solve this matter by advising them to consult priest there to clear off the space of the house and of the soul of Belinda also. Walsh also told me that he told Dharya that Belinda would see God. She saw God twice. Belinda was good soul and lucky soul to be able to see God.
But now after I saw these scenes, it indicated that somebody was trying to control and capture the soul. I don’t know how?
But as Walsh told me, it is common there to capture souls and use them to harm others. They can use the power of these souls to destroy the whole family also. I advised Walsh to inform them, but Dharya was indifferent. 
I wanted to show Walsh that the home of Dharya is affected by Black magic. So something told me that Walsh can see it and I can transport him to the affected house in Mauritius and come back. I asked him if he wants to visit the house of Dharya. He was ready to go.
“me: hmm
  do u want to visit her sis now?
Walsh: Dharya
 me: no
 Walsh: Belinda
 me: yes
 Walsh: well we need to give her healing
me: yes...u see wat i see thn u decide
 Walsh: that she goes to god and rest
 me: wud u like to see?
 Walsh: yes
 me: dont be afraid...hv faith on me
 Walsh: yes didi
 of course i have faith
 me: close ur eyes...i will hold ur hands n take u to her room
 Walsh: wait
  i turn the radio on web
  turn off
 am ready.
 me: gud
  close ur eyes
  i hold ur hand
  nw we go
 u bck?
Walsh: yes
  am here
didi that will be big problem
 me: gud
  wat u saw?
 Walsh: they attack the brother wat i can feel here
 me: did u reach there wid me
 Walsh: yes
 me: gud
  did u see Belinda?
Walsh: yes
  she want to be out from thr
 me: did u feel my connection on ur hand?
 Walsh: yes
 me: gud
  i still ur hands in me
  where u saw Belinda?
 in wat position she was in?
 Walsh: she is in the room
  that moment was darkness
 me: yes
 Walsh: nt much enough light
 me: we went there n it became fill wid Light
  yellow light
 Walsh: yes
 me: was she lying on floor ?
 Walsh: she was lying down
  and something block the hand
 me: hmmm there dust around her...yes
 Walsh: that one i couldnt view it well
 me: i cud see ur feet n my feet n she dwn
Walsh: yes
 me: then i shown u the house
 Walsh: what i can feel is they didnt maintain her room well as before
 me: yes was dark...fill wid blackness
 Walsh: yes
 me: did u see window in her room?
 Walsh: yes
 me: one window in the centre of room
 Walsh: they have nt opened that windows for while
 me: yes
  sunlight coming from the room
  from the window*
Walsh: yes
 me: tht window i saw wen she first contacted me
  thn...did u see house tied wid something dark...i was shwing u around
 Walsh: the soul is still in the room rite now
 me: yes
 Walsh: she dont want to leave the room
me: soul is in the room
  she is crying n shouting
 Walsh: and i beleive they didnt fullfell prayer well
 me: even i feel so..
  now u tell about her brthr
 i did not see her brthr
 Walsh: yes her brother outside the room
 me: ok
 Walsh: he was as if weak when standing
 me: hmmm true...he is weak..n feels tht he is strong
  he is affected
 Walsh: yes
 me: its his turn to go...if they dont get things done...
 Walsh: yes
 me: happy tht u cud see wat am seeing n i saw
Walsh: that i can see it clearly
  becoz they use this soul to attack the family
  if this didnt done in time
 me: yes
  rite now soul can go to Light
Walsh: yes
 me: but they hv to do it in time
Walsh: yes
 me: i feel bad for Belinda...
 Walsh: yes didi for her ages 20
  she dont deserve this for that age
me: this ur first instance of travel?
 Walsh: seeing that
 me: hmm o and other things in different places
Walsh: yes
 me: gud gud
 Walsh: what should i do now didi
 me: did u travel astrally before also?
  am so happy
 thts y travelling wid u was so easy
 Walsh: no didi
 me: hmmm
 Walsh: why didi
 me: u said u travelld before also
Walsh: u mean when seeing thing
 me: no...going out of body n travelling thru soul
  i took ur soul to mauritius
Walsh: ah ok
 me: hmmm
  hw u felt?
 Walsh: well i was light relax just when u connect i feel something in the hand
 me: hmmm
 Walsh: that was the connection from thr to thr
 me: i held ur hands
  thn u strtd seeing things
 Walsh: yes
 me: it happnd in split seconds
 Walsh: yes
 me: gud
  wen u came bck...wat u felt?
 Walsh: something gave me a sign to be back
then i open my eye
  i seen yr msg
me: gud gud
 Walsh: and i wrote u back
 am hppy..u feeling light?
 Walsh: yes didi
 me: gud”

Also, Walsh told me that he felt that his feets were covered with dark soot with which the house was covered. Next day Walsh was affected by negativity, which I cleared.
We were discussing Belinda with Walsh. Something amazing happened. Computer started typing on its own some repeated words.

I was amazed!

I was discussing again about Belinda. I was chatting on computer and suddenly one text started repeating.

ohh ok
discuss wid ur mom"

These set of text repeated after almost every sentence I was typing. I was surprised that it was some defect in computer but it did not happen when I was chatting with other person at the same time. I told Walsh…but he failed to understand this repetitions. It meant to be seen by me but to be discussed with Mother of Walsh.
Amazingly the words typed by the entity disappeared when I saved the whole chat with Belinda’s soul imprints.
Later Walsh’s mom clarified that they might be having rituals of 40 days ad that they will do special prayers according to their rituals. This was as indicated by Belinda’s soul to seek for guidance from Walsh’s mom. Also that souls stay in their place till all all religious rituals are completed.

Belinda left her imprints. Who knows that she has been captured by soul hunters??? Time will tell!!!
New experience for Walsh!
But Dharya was indifferent and could not believe the Power of Beyond!!!
I believe and experienced each and everything that happened….

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