Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Celebrating Diwali!

The age of 5-6 years is that of innocence, an age where one enjoys the simple and little joys of life.
Its a story about such a young kid who lived in Mumbai and flew down to Chennai with his mother to celebrate the festival of lights, Diwali. He enjoyed the festival with great memories that he would carry life long with him. But suddenly, just the following day of Diwali the young boy suffered through unending vomiting sessions accompanied by a bad stomach ache. Even the help of many heavy doses of many medicines went in waste. The boy’s condition didn’t improve. Seeing his condition he was admitted in the hospital. The doctors suspected the child to be diagnosed with Hepatitis-A, in the mild form. But after taking various tests and analyzing the reports, the child was diagnosed by viral gastritis. He was admitted in the hospital for a span of three days for his medication. The boy was suffering at a very young age.

Someone truly stated that when God closes one door, he opens another. And in this situation, that’s exactly what happened. After being given the reiki treatment, the boy’s condition was brought into control. The child’s condition started improving and also he could sleep peacefully at night. Next morning, after undergoing an endoscopy, the same viral gastritis was detected but in an improving stage. Next evening, The boy was discharged from the hospital. He had a restless night due to the tests being conducted, but it would soon pass away. Also, seeing the improving condition on this young boy, his drip too was removed. His recovery in three days has truly been a miraculous one where a child went through a lot of suffering but its the reiki treatment that helped him recover and be back to normal. He’s now back to his life, to his fun loving and innocent life. The reiki treatment healed and controlled the situation of the child.
After all, every cloud has a silver lining!
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